
6 may 2020

Estic escoltant/ Estoy escuchando/ I'm listening to... (1)

Today I bought this song. More relevant than ever.
M'he comprat aquest tema perquè em sembla més rellevant que no mai abans.

Cambios / Changes

What a shame people will not value
What they never fought for, yet they own. How sad
To see the faces of people who are lied to,
And trust their lot will improve
Yet this country has always been blind
There will be no Mar Menor or old age pensions
Immigrants are still called criminals
But in the football field they celebrate their goals
Get fined for smoking a relaxing weed
“Got nothin’ on me, get stuffed, Officer!”
He’s enraging the kids in the park
On the same might when a homeless man gets punched
The mobile phone won’t help me interact
But make me hate myself more, it’ll be too late
I want a planet that does represent me
It matters who I can count on, not the money they can count
Been waiting so long my hopes for the world to change
Have gone cold, but this will not change
We keep arguing while poverty increases
Give him more tobacco, get yourself a throat cancer
The Princess is well protected but not your daughter
Who will have to eat stale bread if the economy goes to the dogs
It is hard to bring food to the table
And there are those who bash their partner
Die, sonofabitch, die in jail
Like my head, in an eternal trip
While I’m driving, I gaze at the landscape
It looks sad, just like when you left
The 21st century, that’s our lot
Of the best life ever, the one we have not looked after
What we neither deserve nor appreciate
We get carried away, we have settled for this
I used think that is what people cared about
To be able to breathe, polluted waters
People have been duped, they feel frustration
In Barcelona they have set up the barricades
Rocks fly over, dumpsters get burned
Yet the media have never had it better
You are the ones who have caused this hatred that is eating us up
The TVs are the ones winning this war
I’m the sole owner of my freedoms
When I have to I do my duties
I have no nation, I follow no colours
I’m not a thief like the Society of Authors
We’re up in the air, enjoy the trip
I carried no luggage, wasn’t in first class
Only the working class I brought along
They may vanquish me, but not my message!
A family evicted is a shame
While the banks own so many empty flats
Surviving on charity
And kneeling down before Felipe and Juan Carlos
Changes, I just want changes
But this is an uneducated, antiquated country
Replete with selfish people and low wages
Full of racists and corrupt officials
They hold the reins of your life
The planet suffers because of the food you need
Your belly’s already full
Breathe in this smoke and enjoy your exhaustion
Advocating that the innocent stay in jail
Is like advocating that the guilty remain free
People should get closer to each other
Peoples who do not know each other go into battle
Yet another day I get up apathetic
Knackered, hungover and anxious
I hold my head high with what my lot is
I try to contribute because that’s what I’ve been taught
They pay lip service to the Constitution
Though half of those who voted for it are now dead
In this country they want respect for the rules
But a dead man keeps ruling in the shade
Think about it
Just think about it

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