
6 jun 2021

Estic escoltant/ Estoy escuchando/ I'm listening to... (2)



Un senyor que s'oxida al sofà

Una ment que no troba la boca

Una vida que no sap parlar

Un profeta més de la derrota

Un patriota de la soledat

De deixar-se dur, una mascota

Un imbècil amb autoritat

Un sacríleg de la integritat

Cauen les filles anònimes: mort natural

Fallen les forces, clima hivernal

Tristes i anades, quina postal

Lluny de les llums, dels pedestals

Sense homenatges ni flors en corones

Com si sols foren persones normals

Com si en un món de misèria i de runes

Fora bonic oblidar, i

S'ha intoxicat la mollera

S'han oblidat d'estimar

De veure tan gran la bandera

La vista es comença a cansar

S'ha intoxicat la mollera

S'han oblidat d'estimar

I ara respirar és una quimera

Però estaran

Les nostres sempre estaran

Com pedra dins la sabata

Com la palmera que aguanta l'huracà

I allà estaran

Fent burla i fent sacrilegi

Per sempre bruixa i heretge

Sempre a la contra i avant

Pregueu-li a l'amo que entengui la joventut

Que se'ls perdoni este suïcidi prematur

La seua sort no és vostra, però l’enterro costa

I els han cobrat la medicina i el taüt

Cauen herois baix el pes de la fe en la divisa

Orfes d'amor omplin la missa

Ixen les hordes de les cavernes

Guarden la merda baix la catifa

I, com sempre, pagues tu la seua festa

El resultat era un, la jugada era perfecta

S'ha intoxicat la mollera

S'han oblidat d'estimar

De vore tan gran la bandera

La vista es comença a cansar

S'ha intoxicat la mollera

S'han oblidat d'estimar

I ara respirar és una quimera

Però estaran

Les nostres sempre estaran

Com pedra dins la sabata

Com la palmera que aguanta l'huracà

I allà estaran

Fent burla i fent sacrilegi

Per sempre bruixa i heretge

Sempre a la contra i avant

Però estaran

Les nostres sempre estaran

Com pedra dins la sabata

Com la palmera que aguanta l'huracà

I allà estaran

Fent burla i fent sacrilegi

Per sempre bruixa i heretge

Sempre a la contra i avant

There’s this man rusting away on a sofa

There’s a mind cannot find its own mouth

There’s a life that cannot speak for itself

Yet another prophet of defeat

A patriot of solitude

Of letting go, a pet

A fool with a mandate

A heretic of integrity

Anonymous daughters fall: natural death

Strength fails, wintry weather

Sad and gone, what a postcard!

Far from the lights, away from the pedestals

No homages, no flowers in wreaths

As if they were just normal people

As if in a world of misery and dirt

It would be nice to forget, and

Their brains have been poisoned

They have neglected to love

Seeing such a large flag

Your eyesight becomes strained

Their brains have been poisoned

They have neglected to love

Breathing is now a pipedream

Yet they will be

Our own will always be there

Like a pebble in your shoe

Like the palm tree holding up against the hurricane

And they will be there

Mocking them and committing sacrilege

Forever a witch and a heretic

Always against them and forward

Ask the master to understand the young

That this premature suicide be forgiven

Your fate is not your own, yet the burial will be costly

They’ve charged you for the medication and the coffin

Heroes fall under the weight of their faith in the currency

Orphans of love have crowded the church

The hordes are coming out of their caves

The shit is being swept under the carpet

As ever you end up paying for their partying

The score was one, their play was perfect

Their brains have been poisoned

They have neglected to love

Seeing such a large flag

Your eyesight becomes strained

Their brains have been poisoned

They have neglected to love

Breathing is now a pipedream

Yet they will be

Our own will always be there

Like a pebble in your shoe

Like the palm tree holding up against the hurricane

And they will be there

Mocking them and committing sacrilege

Forever a witch and a heretic

Always against them and forward

Yet they will be

Our own will always be there

Like a pebble in your shoe

Like the palm tree holding up against the hurricane

And they will be there

Mocking them and committing sacrilege

Forever a witch and a heretic

Always against them and forward

 The English is my own translation.

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