24 nov 2021

Dante's The Divine Comedy, translated by Clive James: A Review

Dante, The Divine Comedy (London: Picador, 2013). 526 pages. Translated into English by Clive James.

I confess to not having read Dante until now. I knew that the Divina Commedia is a 14th-century masterpiece and that it has influenced many a significant writer ever since it was published. When Clive James completed his lifetime project of translating it into English, I wanted to read it. His poetry I find extremely appealing and exquisite. How would an Australian poet manage such a huge challenge? I felt curiosity, even though the book has taken years to make it to the top of my reading list.

As a translator, I am aware that verse translation is an extremely demanding task. An oft-repeated dictum (thanks, Robert Frost) is that poetry is what gets lost in in the translation. When James took up the challenge of translating 100 Cantos, he was not only demonstrating his literary courage but also showing off his poetic skills. Was his decision not to include footnotes beyond the audacious? Was it doomed? The answer is no.

Every future student of translation should read his introduction to his massive effort. He sets out to make the poem acquire the fluidity in English that the original Tuscan Italian has. His most significant decision (and probably the most successful overall) is to write Dante into quatrains: abab, cdcd, and so on and so forth. Only the last two lines of every Canto are rendered as couplets.

To a 21st-century reader, however, the Divine Comedy is not as appealing a book as it would have been to Dante’s contemporaries. His is a realm of mostly spiritual, religious concerns which I have very little interest in, to be honest. What appeals me in this massive book is its lyrical qualities: the rhythm, the sparkle, the energy he infuses into his translation.

“For all the gold there is, and all that’s gone,/ Would give no shred of peace to even one/ Of these drained souls.” 'Hell', Canto 7. Illustration by Gustave Doré, 1857.

And yet it is true the brilliance is not everywhere across the book. Expecting absolute perfection throughout its 100 Cantos would be unreasonable. James skilfully shifts between formal and less formal registers. He does not translate for scholars but rather for ordinary readers. Having had the chance to translate Shakespeare into contemporary Spanish, I know how hard the challenge is, and how rewarding it can feel even when the translation is less than perfect.

I’ll quote one fragment, an example of what I mean by sparkle, freshness, and brilliance. It’s the beginning of Canto 8 from the ‘Purgatory’:

Now was the hour that longing turns around,

For sailors, towards what they left behind,

The hour that melts their hearts when, outward bound,

For just one day, the last light brings to mind

That they have said goodbye to dearest friends;

The hour that pierces the new pilgrim deep

With love, if he should hear what the bell sends

From far away, the sound of chimes that weep

In mourning for the dying day. It ends

In sadness…

As James’s reader, I am grateful for a translation that aims for readability, that eschews the footnotes and the scholarly paratext that normally accompany classics in our time. Highly recommended.

15 nov 2021

ACT Northern Border Trail: de Mulligans Flat a Hall

En 2013 se dio inicio a un fantástico proyecto en el Territorio de la Capital Australiana: el Sendero del Centenario (The Centenary Trail). En su totalidad tiene 145 km., y la dificultad varía considerablemente según la zona que atraviesa. Está concebido para senderistas y ciclistas de montaña. Este post cubre el tramo entre Mulligans Flat y la aldea de Hall.

La caminata recorre aproximadamente 15 km y tomará entre 3 y 4 horas, según el ritmo que uno aplique. Desde Mulligans Flat, el inicio es una exigente subida hasta el sendero propiamente dicho en el límite de la línea que divide Canberra de Nueva Gales del Sur.

El sendero sigue en gran medida esa línea divisoria, zigzagueando en dirección norte y noroeste primero, para después girar hacia el sur camino de Hall. Se pasa por Oak Hill, un lugar para acampar mantenido por el gobierno de Canberra (hay agua de lluvia y baños, pero está prohibido encender fuego) y One Tree Hill.

Hay tramos de pista en los llanos donde las bicicletas pueden avanzar muy rápido.

Vista panorámica del norte de Canberra, incluido Gungahlin, desde Oak Tree Hill.

Otra vista del norte de Canberra, en dirección sur hacia Belconnen.

El placer de encontrar y tocar árboles centenarios en el camino.

En las partes más boscosas no es inusual toparse con canguros, e incluso tímidos swamp wallabies como éste.

Un lagarto shingleback (Tiliqua rugosa) tomando el sol en los primeros días de la primavera de 2021 en mitad del sendero.

El sendero está muy bien señalizado. Además, el continuo paso de bicicletas de montaña ha dejado marcado el camino de manera inconfundible. El costado derecho (Nueva Gales del Sur) está completamente delimitado por las cercas de las granjas. 

Si los 15 km. no son suficientes, he aquí una idea: comienza la caminata desde Goorooyarroo Nature Reserve, al sur de Mulligans Flat y pernocta en el Northern Border Camp. No hay conexiones con el transporte público en ninguno de los lugares mencionados, pero sí hay paradas de autobús cerca de Mulligans Flat. Un autobús sale de Yass (Nueva Gales del Sur) y por Hall camino de Canberra, una vez al día, de lunes a viernes.

La calle principal de Hall. El pueblito cuenta con un bar, una cafetería y algunas tiendas más. Lamentablemente, no existe lugar alguno que ofrezca alojamiento.

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