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Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Review. Mostrar todas las entradas

23 mar 2025

Christian Kracht's Imperium: A Review

Christian Kracht, Imperium: A Fiction of the South Seas (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2015). 179 páginas. Trans. by Daniel Bowles.

The beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. At least that is the case in Imperium, a half-fictitious, half-truthful narrative on the life and the death of one August Engelhardt, the German youth who in 1902 travelled to what today is Papua New Guinea, having decided that he was going to live his life as a nudist and an absolute vegetarian. His belief that sunlight and coconuts were sufficient to maintain his organism healthy, strong and in harmony with the universe had been enshrined in an 1898 manifesto titled Eine Sorgenfreie Zukunft (A Carefree Future).

Kracht rewrites his life an at times weird parody. While it echoes the turn-of-the-century imperial adventure novels by favourites of mine such as Conrad, Stevenson and Melville (whose works I must needs reread one day, I keep telling myself), Engelhardt the character is depicted in broad strokes, in episodic fractions with hardly any depth to them. Kracht indulges in the creation of a humorous tropical setting where mozzies, poverty, disease and white colonialist blokes are abundant. They may be clichés, only maybe – yet they are effective in leading towards the demise of the obsessive and pig-headed Engelhardt. The author delights in conveying the consequences of his resulting malnutrition and the many ailments that affect his body: loss of teeth, bleeding gums, ulcerous spots, unhealing wounds, parasitical infestations … you name it.

The real August Engelhardt in 1911. 

It is an apt allegory: Fanaticism corrodes reason and generates a rottenness not just in the body but also in the spirit. It is, after all, the Germany of the early 20th century and we all know what happened a hundred years ago. Nothing good came out of it.

The hapless Engelhardt buys an island and hires locals to develop a coconut plantation. His pretty much useless investment soon puts him in debt. He was probably already crazy in 1906, his body reduced to a skeleton, and by the second decade of the century he had become sort of a tourist curiosity. In Imperium, however, Engelhardt lives until the end of World War II, when US Navy officers find him on Kolombangara Island. His is “one heck of a story”; “Just wait ‘til Hollywood gets wind of this”. The officer who interviews him avers Engelhardt’s story will be in the pictures.

Hopefully someone in Hollywood will one day decide to film this story using Kracht’s acerbic lens, for it will be unmissable! Some of the episodes invented by Kracht in his narrative caused me to laugh out loud, even though they are actually gruesome and bloody. Like the deadly ending to the celebration of the wedding between Rabaul tycoon Queen Emma (who had sold the island to the nudist coconut eater) and Berliner musician Lützow.

Given its brevity and the fact that it is excellently researched, Imperium is a great read. Bowles’s translation is impeccable and reflects the author’s deliberately derisive attitude to the characters and the historical period. The ironies are delicious and generously scattered throughout its 179 pages; it is a comedy of imperialistic horrors in the South Pacific, not quite as frivolous as it could have been.

19 feb 2025

Francesc Serés' La casa de foc: A Review

Francesc Serés, La casa de foc (Barcelona: Proa, 2022 [2020]). 587 pages.

A few decades ago, I put the following challenge to someone who at the time was kind of very close: to move to a small village and find out whether they would instantly accept you. She never did, of course. It can never be easy to move into a rural setting and find your place among the people who have lived there for generations. This is the challenge the narrator of La casa de foc faces in a place called El Sallent, which is actually a real hamlet in the middle of La Garrotxa, a Catalan district west of Girona. The man in question is a teacher in charge of the children of immigrants at a high school. He has recently been divorced and comes to El Sallent hoping to find peace and move forward.

Few days after moving into a seemingly scorpion-riddled house, the narrator meets Jordi from Can Sol, water-diviner by trade, who is both respected and feared in the area. The narrator, who teaches Catalan for Beginners at the nearest school, is basically commanded to help steer Jordi’s granddaughter, Mar, towards better academic performance and more self-esteem. There is a third member of the family, Mar’s mother Carmina, whose tragic personal history is slowly revealed.

Welcome to El Sallent, Mau!

In an attempt to make the place his own, Mau (the nickname he is given by the locals, after the name of the mas he has rented) refurbishes and renovates the building. The novel skilfully explores how the relationship between Mau and Jordi, Mau and Mar, and Mau and Carmina, grows in their idiosyncratic ways. The three characters are fully developed, giving the reader a wonderful insight into their fears, their flaws, what makes them anxious and what sends them into despair.

Yet it is the genuine, frank and sometimes brazen conversations Mau has with Jordi that he’s remembering the most; while getting Mau to know the natural and geological marvels of the region, Jordi becomes Mau’s confidante. Some sort of authentic friendship takes place under a cloud of uncertainty: local gossip (or slander?) has it that the fire where Mar’s father died together with another young couple was deliberately lit. Jordi always edges around his responsibility in the matter.

The novel begins with the news of Jordi’s death on 8 March 2014. The narrator quotes the chaplain who is to conduct the funeral: “The dead are like our memories: they are nowhere but everyone needs them so they can live.” (p. 15, my translation) And so begins his remembrance of an enigmatic person who became more than a friend.

The extraordinary beauty of Serés’ novel is how he portrays life in a Catalan village, the assorted instances of quirkiness of its inhabitants, how they help and also interfere with the newcomer’s adaptation to the place and how they push him into a lengthy wave of reflective self-probing throughout the pages.

There are many worthy passages in this book, some of them hiding genuine meditations on the art of storytelling: “Rather than shadow-play, this is about knowing how far light can go, this light that shines upon a primary layer of the world and of things, an extremely fine layer it cannot pierce through. A few microns below, beneath the surface, darkness is absolute. We find it hard to accept because it is almost incomprehensible, that other than what we are able to see when there is light, the rest of matter inhabits the darkness. Save for the little history we know how to explain, the remainder of time and stories forever sleeps in total obscurity.” (p. 245, my translation)

Apart from the Can Sol family and Mau, there are in La casa del foc many secondary characters who provide a rich background social tapestry and the numerous social issues that affect this rural area of Catalonia: marihuana crops and dealing, migration, gentrification, unemployment, to name but a few. There is also the mystery of water-divining and how such a gift or skill is transmitted between generations. Mau cannot understand how Mar, quite late on a gloomy evening, finds a little boy who has become lost in the woods near the village, while he clumsily stumbles once and again on the hillsides: “What do we do with those things we cannot explain? With those realities we need to touch in order to believe them, I mean. I know not how to explain it without feeling I will be harshly judged by the self who knows of scientific certainties and who looks askance at the other self who states he put his finger in the wound.” (p. 332, my translation)

An excellent book that has not been translated into English yet. Seres’ highly entertaining Contes russos was soon translated (as Russian Tales by Anastasia Maximova and Peter Bush in 2013). Let’s hope La casa del foc can also reach the English-language market.

17 dic 2023

Fabien Toulmé's Hakim's Odyssey, Book 3: A Review

Fabien Toulmé. Hakim's Odyssey, Book 3: From Macedonia to France (University Park, PA: Graphic Mundi, 2022). 249 pages. Translated into English by Hannah Chute.

The third instalment of this collection follows Hakim and his son Hadi in their journey across Europe. Having left Syria and tried his luck in Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey (Book 1), they cross over to Greece in a leaky boat and are confronted by the EU barriers of dilly-dallying bureaucracy, the rogue people-smugglers and price-gouging scoundrels as well as the widespread animosity against people who are simply feeling political repression and persecution (Book 2).

Hakim's Odyssey, from Syria to France, completed in close to three years.

With his wife Najmeh having already settled in France, Hakim decides not to wait for an administrative miracle of sorts and pushes on, crossing the border into Macedonia, followed by Serbia and Hungary. Now, Hungary may be part of the Union, but that does not make it a welcoming place for refugees. In fact, once in Hungary, Hakim and Hadi are put into a camp where conditions are, simply put, dreadful.

No comment...
Not every day in their odyssey is beset by bad vibes and hostile attitudes, though. In some places they are given assistance by total strangers; other people who share their plight offer advice and provide very useful information on border crosses and how to avoid arrest. Yet money runs out too quickly. They are exposed to bad weather; Hadi is constantly hungry and also gets a little sick. But Hakim’s perseverance pays off and after several months they make it to Austria, Switzerland and finally, Aix-en-Provence, in France, where Najmeh has been waiting for their arrival for two years.

This kind of person should be forced to walk across Europe with hardly any money in her pocket and fleeing political repression. And every time and wherever she was told to "leave", she should be forced to backtrack her way by 350 Km. Just for the sake of it, just so she would get fitter, since a change of mind or heart appears to be impossible. 

Someone knocks on a door and an extraordinary trilogy is born... FIN.
In his epilogue, Toulmé stresses the fact that Hakim’s odyssey does not simply end when he reaches France, because their life journey keeps going: they need to integrate into their new country, learn the language, find jobs and enrol their kids at school. They will contribute to their new community in ways that few local people will actually realise. This is a reality that gets distorted by the lies, the misinformation and the hatred of the antimigrant discourse regrettably so prevalent in the West.

The three books in this trilogy should become part of middle and high school reading sets. It is a sobering story, magnificently drawn and narrated.

 Yes, it is important to record certain details of History. City of Vienna Information for Refugees Arriving from Hungary at Westbahnhof Railway Station. Photograph by Manfred Werner (Tsui).

19 jul 2023

Fabien Toulmé's Hakim's Odyssey, Book 2: A Review

Fabien Toulmé, Hakim's Oddyssey: Book 2: From Turkey to Greece (University Park, PA: Graphic Mundi, 2022). 254 pages. Translated from the French by Hannah Chute. 

Book 1 of Hakim’s Odyssey ended with Hakim in Turkey, wandering the streets of Istanbul where he had been trying to make a living while working out how to obtain a visa to France (eventually refused to him and his son). In Book 2, Hakim, frustrated with the many obstacles and administrative barriers imposed by all governments, decides to make the (officially deemed to be illegal) trip to Greece, the European Union, by boat. It’s not a unique story: Hakim has to find his way among the dodgy opportunists who exploit human desperation and make a huge profit from the tragedy of forced migration. There are overpriced, taxi services by grumpy and menacing-looking drivers; there are the crammed hotels where receptionists charge extra as soon as they recognise a desperate Syrian refugee; then there are the store owners prepared to sell you anything you may need when you board an overcrowded boat in the Mediterranean Sea.

How important can it be to learn to prepare a milk bottle?

And then there is the night of the voyage: the mafias who arrange transport to the beach where they force a hundred human beings on to a shonky inflatable boat that should normally hold 25 people maximum. Toulmé’s craft unambiguously conveys the terror of these people as they cross the sea and the engine fails in the darkness, as water starts leaking into the boat and the certainty it will sink assails their minds.

No room at the inn... Unless you're prepared to pay more than others.

When disaster seems imminent, all the men on the boat jump into the water and hold on to the side to delay what seems inevitable: it will sink. In Hakim’s case, this lot were lucky. A Greek border patrol ship finds them. They are rescued and taken to a refugee camp where they will be held for 48 hours. Then they will be free to wander in Athens or attempt to move on. Carrying his very young son with him, Hakim will choose the latter. Hence the Book 3 in this series.

Words are always inadequate to explain this kind of situation.

The unpalatable reality is that boats sink all too frequently. The victims of this unstoppable migration can be as young as eight months old. In the meantime, heartless neofascist politicians continue to spit their xenophobic hatred against people whose only crime is to seek a better life.

And a daytime scene of Victoria Square...

Victoria Square, Athens, photograph by Badseed. 

19 mar 2023

Perumal Murugan's The Story of a Goat: A Review

Perumal Murugan, The Story of a Goat (Londres: Pushkin Press, 2018 [2016]). 183 pages. Translated from the Tamil by N. Kalyan Raman.
“The birth of an ordinary creature never leaves a trace, does it?” Well, it does, actually: for an old couple of the farming poor in India who have survived in a small, arid village in the south, the arrival of a puny black baby goat becomes an unforgettable event.

They name the kid Poonachi, and the ginormous man who leaves the goat behind in their care assures them Poonachi, a female, is truly a miracle. Despite their scarce resources, the old couple take the creature in and do their best to feed her.

The country depicted by Murugan has a government that is incredibly inquisitive about what animals people have. Strict controls take place and tough questions are asked if the animal’s provenance cannot be ascertained. At home, Poonachi is ostracised by most other goats and cannot feed on the nanny-goat’s milk. The old woman, however, ensures the little black goat will grow.

Murugan writes about the life of a goat while deftly constructing a more than entertaining allegory for the human condition. Through Poonachi’s story and point of view, we are ‘treated’ to the many misadventures, cruelties and sad events that mark a female animal’s life in a poor area. While Murugan is apparently focusing us on the hardships of people and the worries and humiliation the absurdly strict rules of the government of the country can inflict on the vulnerable, on another level the book works as a profoundly bitter denunciation.

Perumal Murugan: Another author to pay close attention to. Photograph by  Augustus Binu.

Poonachi’s survival as a baby goat just serves her on a plate for more brutality and disappointment: Murugan’s narrative includes scenes of castration, rape, erotic love and then frustrated romance. More than a sad fable, The Story of a Goat comes across as a seriously inventive reflection on existence, injustice and the human ability to withstand misfortune. Murugan subtly warns the reader against complacency in a world where ultraright-wing tumult and violence against women seem to go hand in hand. N. Kalyan Raman’s translation occasionally sounds brilliantly foreign yet neat. A nice little surprise of a book!

12 mar 2023

Fabien Toulmé's Hakim's Odyssey, Book 1: A Review

Fabien Toulmé, Hakim's Oddyssey: Book 1: From Syria to Turkey (University Park, PA: Graphic Mundi, 2021). 262 pages. Translated from the French by Hannah Chute. 
The number of Syrian refugees in Turkey is close to 4 million people. The war began in 2011 around the same time as the so-called Arab Spring, now a distant memory of the short-lived push for Western-style democracy in many Arab-speaking countries. Few pundits will currently believe it has any chances of a resurgence.

Hakim is the fictitious name of a Syrian refugee who fled the country. His story is narrated by Fabien Toulmé, a French graphic artist with a cause. In his prologue, underneath the drawing of a plane flying above clouds: “Curiously, the urge to write about the migrants who are crossing the Mediterranean came upon me because of a disaster that had nothing to do with this problem…” (p. 2) The plane was the Germanwings Flight 9525 that left Barcelona but never reached Düsseldorf. Toulmé contrasts this terrifying tragedy with the recurrent tragedies of boats sinking while trying to reach Europe. Why do the deaths of tens of thousands of refugees who try to make it across the Mediterranean (when not a very high fence in Melilla) hardly ever make it to frontpage news? Why are we never told who these persons were or what dreams they had?

Toulmé suggests it is an issue of empathy: we are able to picture ourselves as passengers on a doomed plane, of course. But never would we imagine ourselves as the precarious overload on a leaky boat escaping war or famine or political repression or all three of the above.

The story has been divided into three volumes. The first one introduces us to a young Hakim growing up in a country that has been ruled by one family dynasty, the Assads. He comes from a family of gardeners who have successfully run a plant nursery near Damascus for decades. When the trouble starts, Hakim tries to avoid it as much as possible. But one day, at a military checkpoint, soldiers find a mask in the boot and immediately suspect him of being linked to terrorists.

In a peaceful country you are able to work and smell the roses...until a genocidal dictator decides otherwise. 

He is arrested and tortured. His freedom is attained only because someone in his family circle agrees to pay a hefty amount for his release. The family nursery gets confiscated by the army; so when his brother disappears, Hakim makes up his mind to leave Syria and look for work in Lebanon. He is not alone, of course. Jobs are hard to find in Beirut, so he goes to Amman in Jordan. The same situation confronts him there: badly paid jobs, discrimination, precariousness, the risk of being under surveillance from Assad’s agents…

"Their questions got crazier and crazier..." As if answering any of them would be of any use!

Eventually he arrives in Antalya, southern Turkey. Hakim meets Abderrahim, a wealthier Syrian who has also fled the country. He and his family help him to get jobs and make some headway. So much so that he marries Abderrahim’s daughter Najmeh. Volume 1 ends with their move to Istanbul.

Their wedding reception takes place in a small pizza parlour in Antalya. Unforgettable!

The message about the horrors, the repression and the corruption of the Assad regime comes through loud and clear. The fact that the character is a humble nursery gardener makes it even easier for the reader to make a connection. But he is just one of the hundreds of thousands whose stories deserve to be widely divulged.

Hakim’s Odyssey is composed in very simple artwork, yet it works really well in terms of backing the narrative with few colours and details. Toulmé acknowledges he had to use the services of an interpreter to interview Hakim. He is completely aware that his story is doubly mediated. This is a great story told through very simple yet powerful images.

27 dic 2022

Laurent Binet's Civilisations: A Review

Laurence Binet, Civilisations (London: Harvill Secker, 2021). 310 pages. Translated from the French by Sam Taylor.

I have no doubt it must be lost of fun to write fictional History while being fully aware that your reader is not to demand any verisimilitude of what you write. Art for art’s sake, I guess. Binet’s Civilisations is one such work: it’s offhand in its fun, bold in its ingenuity but invariably overambitious in its purpose and meaning.

The premise is simple: instead of the various European powers conquering the continents across the Atlantic, it is the Incas (and subsequently the Aztecs) who sail across the waters eastwards and reach Lisbon in the wake of a dreadful tsunami. Atahualpa, their king, is undefeatable in his thirst for some sort of black drink monks seem to be very good at producing; vanquishing the Spanish emperor is way too easy. The road to Europe lays expedite thereafter.

But centuries before, the Vikings had reached the north with Erik the Red’s daughter as their leader. Her descendants eventually make their way to Panama, only to be stopped by the Darién Gap (the present-day irony of this is magnificent, one must admit!).

The second part of the book takes us with Columbus in his first voyage of discovery. Unlike what actually happened, Columbus does not make it back to Spain, fails miserably in his attempts to convert the locals to what the Incas will later call the weird cult of the “nailed god”. The Spanish Court gives up on the extremely expensive adventure of crossing the ocean and loses its interest in western lands.

A couple of decades later, having been defeated by his brother, Atahualpa the Incan emperor is escaping Peru in Columbus’s ships and heads eastward. Thanks to endless supplies of gold, the emperor succeeds in conquering the lands and the minds of Castilians, Italians, Frenchs and Germans. His trick to unite the continent five centuries before actual History occurred? He does away with feudal taxation and the property of land, decrees religious freedom all over the place (the only mandatory rule is to adore the Sun) and develops the land with a view to eradicate hunger and poverty.

Atahualpa. Would he have really achieved so much in so little time?

But suddenly, another enemy from the West appears: the Aztecs arrive in England and decide to conquer France with their army (led by Cuauhtémoc). Paris is quickly taken, and a huge pyramid is bult near the Louvre, which will become the venue for their favourite pastime: human sacrifice. With the supply chains of gold interrupted, Atahualpa reacts and brings back taxation to fund the war effort. Sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it?

Nonsensical? Maybe, but it’s good fun to read. The somewhat unexpected coda of the book brings Cervantes, El Greco and Montaigne together in the Frenchman’s castle. Their interaction prophesies modernity in all its expressions and raises the stakes even further by taking the painter and the Spanish novelist to Mexico in search of a better life.

The text was splendidly rendered by Sam Taylor into English, yet one glaring syntactic error kept nagging (quite likely the result of a overzealous proof-reader?) This is found on page 175 of the public library copy I read: “He [Atahualpa] distributed Golden Fleeces, a highly prized distinction that cost him nothing and possessed the advantage of binding him to whomever received it.” My italics.

Publicado en castellano por Seix Barral (traducido por Adolfo García Ortega). Publicat en català per Edicions de 1984 (traduït per Mia Tarradas).

16 oct 2022

Pola Oloixarac's Dark Constellations: A Review

Pola Oloixarac, Dark Constellations (New York: Soho Press, 2019). 202 pages. Translated by Roy Kesey.

Remember Donald Rumsfeld’s words to the press twenty years ago, in 2002? ‘[…] as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.’ These latter ones are the scary ones, I guess. The Incas contemplated dark constellations in the night skies, where the dark spaces (the unknowns) were the object of interest rather than the bright, visible known points, the stars.

Argentine Pola Oloixarac weaves three stories into an unusual, weird and at times a little clumsy volume. The first part is set in the late 19th century: explorer Niklas Bruun ventures into caves on some Atlantic island. While in search for some hallucinogenic stuff that would allegedly erase whatever it is that separates one species from others, he and his group become the more-than-willing prisoners of a tribe whose women profusely engage in sexual intercourse with the visitors.

The second part has an enough promising start – it is truly hilarious and Oloixarac proves she does have the skill. An Argentine student travels to Brazil and gets pregnant. Her son is Cassio, who will become a notorious hacker and will eventually be hired by a big corporation with less than clearly defined aims and purposes. Governments and corporations seem engaged in a race to discover the way they would be able to capture our DNA either by means of real samples or using strange, ever-present instruments that resemble facial-recognition devices called Bionoses. Everyone, be careful where you fart! Your DNA might be collected and used against your will.

The final part brings in Piera, an Argentine biologist. It is set in just a couple of years’ time. She teams up with Cassio in an obscure plot to develop viruses and plant them across the whole world via the web.

The author seems to focus strongly on big issues, no doubt: where are we heading as Humanity? And what might be the consequences of blending the human and the technological in the context of a world where all of our data has fast become merchandise for sale? Scary, yes. The unknown unknowns!

Whatever might be uniting the goal of Bruun’s travels and Cassio and Piera’s heavily marijuana-induced plans to, well, do something that I found mind-boggling and pretty obscure, I may have missed. If Dark Constellations is intended to terrify us about where evolution is taking us, perhaps a little less vagueness and darkness would help. Lots of references to computer developments and popular culture of the 90s and later do not help us much to follow the scanty plot the book offers.

24 nov 2021

Dante's The Divine Comedy, translated by Clive James: A Review

Dante, The Divine Comedy (London: Picador, 2013). 526 pages. Translated into English by Clive James.

I confess to not having read Dante until now. I knew that the Divina Commedia is a 14th-century masterpiece and that it has influenced many a significant writer ever since it was published. When Clive James completed his lifetime project of translating it into English, I wanted to read it. His poetry I find extremely appealing and exquisite. How would an Australian poet manage such a huge challenge? I felt curiosity, even though the book has taken years to make it to the top of my reading list.

As a translator, I am aware that verse translation is an extremely demanding task. An oft-repeated dictum (thanks, Robert Frost) is that poetry is what gets lost in in the translation. When James took up the challenge of translating 100 Cantos, he was not only demonstrating his literary courage but also showing off his poetic skills. Was his decision not to include footnotes beyond the audacious? Was it doomed? The answer is no.

Every future student of translation should read his introduction to his massive effort. He sets out to make the poem acquire the fluidity in English that the original Tuscan Italian has. His most significant decision (and probably the most successful overall) is to write Dante into quatrains: abab, cdcd, and so on and so forth. Only the last two lines of every Canto are rendered as couplets.

To a 21st-century reader, however, the Divine Comedy is not as appealing a book as it would have been to Dante’s contemporaries. His is a realm of mostly spiritual, religious concerns which I have very little interest in, to be honest. What appeals me in this massive book is its lyrical qualities: the rhythm, the sparkle, the energy he infuses into his translation.

“For all the gold there is, and all that’s gone,/ Would give no shred of peace to even one/ Of these drained souls.” 'Hell', Canto 7. Illustration by Gustave Doré, 1857.

And yet it is true the brilliance is not everywhere across the book. Expecting absolute perfection throughout its 100 Cantos would be unreasonable. James skilfully shifts between formal and less formal registers. He does not translate for scholars but rather for ordinary readers. Having had the chance to translate Shakespeare into contemporary Spanish, I know how hard the challenge is, and how rewarding it can feel even when the translation is less than perfect.

I’ll quote one fragment, an example of what I mean by sparkle, freshness, and brilliance. It’s the beginning of Canto 8 from the ‘Purgatory’:

Now was the hour that longing turns around,

For sailors, towards what they left behind,

The hour that melts their hearts when, outward bound,

For just one day, the last light brings to mind

That they have said goodbye to dearest friends;

The hour that pierces the new pilgrim deep

With love, if he should hear what the bell sends

From far away, the sound of chimes that weep

In mourning for the dying day. It ends

In sadness…

As James’s reader, I am grateful for a translation that aims for readability, that eschews the footnotes and the scholarly paratext that normally accompany classics in our time. Highly recommended.

5 may 2021

Laurent Binet's HHhH: A Review


Laurent Binet, HHhH (London: Vintage, 2012). [unpaged] Translated from the French by Sam Taylor.

Reinhard Heydrich, who could have been strategically nurtured to become Hitler’s successor, was killed after an attack on his car in Prague in 1942. His nickname among the Czech people was ‘the Butcher of Prague’. It would seem obvious he had few friends among them. Was his assassination an event that entirely changed the course of WWII and therefore History? Perhaps it was.

Heydrich. (Photograph by Heinrich Hoffmann - Deutsches Bundesarchiv)

Speculating with what might have been seems pointless, does it not? Still, many believe the perpetrators of the attack should be praised for ridding the world of such a cruel, evil person. And I would tend to wholeheartedly agree. After all, he was one of the brains behind the so-called Final Solution. The fateful day in the streets of Prague is the subject of Laurent Binet’s novel, which won him a big literary prize in France, the Goncourt.

Binet, however, does not want to write a historical novel. Obviously, he does not want to write history either. He’s no historian. He thinks that the invention of facts or characters in a novel about a true event is nothing short of a crime: fabricating evidence, more or less. I bet he dislikes books such as Wolf Hall or Bring up the Bodies so much that he would refuse to read them point blank! Oh well: his loss.

Being such an astonishing story of bravery and self-sacrifice, the plot (i.e., the conspiracy to kill the monstrous Heydrich) should be narrated with tantalizing detail. Except that Binet does not have any verifiable new data he could use with absolute certainty. His struggle is with the limitations of the novel as a genre. HHhH, Binet decides, has to tell a story-within-a-story: the author’s obsession with how to approach and tell a story about true events for which verified information is scant or non-existent. Moreover, instead of numbering the pages, the publisher numbers the parts (you can hardly call them chapters, can you?).

The Mercedes (possibly this very car, but who knows? And who cares?). Photograph by FunkMonk (Michael B. H.) 

The heroes’ names were Jozef Gabčík and Jan Kubiš. They were trained in England and parachuted over Czech land. The resistance helped them prepare the assassination, which funnily enough almost failed at the last moment: Gabčík’s gun got stuck and stopped working, and therefore plan B was quickly activated. It was Kubiš who threw a hand grenade into Heydrich’s Mercedes. The infections caused by the wounds killed Heydrich about a week later. Mission accomplished?

Yes, but the Nazi retaliation was brutal, as could have been predicted. Lidice, a village near Prague, was completely destroyed. Their inhabitants were either murdered or sent to a concentration camp, where most of them eventually died. The Czech heroes hid, together with five other members of the resistance, in a Prague church. Betrayed by one of their own, they were found and attacked. They lasted many hours and drove the German soldiers and their commanders spare. None of them were captured alive.

The Lidice Memorial reminds us all of what kind of bestiality the Nazis were capable of.
The biggest objection I have in regard to this book is Binet’s obsession with his own obsessiveness. It constantly gets in the way of the story itself. That may be fanciful and fun to begin with, yes. But Binet overuses the device. His authorial presence is more than an attendance: it can become a burden! I did not think this book is as accomplished as The 7th Function of Language, but I’m looking forward to reading his new publication, Civilizations.

Hoping to read you soon again, Laurent. Photograph by G. Garitan. 

29 ene 2021

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld's The Discomfort of Evening: A Review

Marieke Lucas Rijneveld, The Discomfort of Evening (London: Faber & Faber, 2020 [2018]). 282 pages. Translated into English by Michele Hutchison.
Fundamentalism is but another deadly disease, and despite science and what appears to be human progress over the centuries, it is quite clear that the virus of zealotry and fanaticism continues to spread everywhere. Even in a village of the Netherlands, where ten-year-old Jas Mulder lives with her parents and three siblings, two males (Matthies, the eldest, and Obbe) and one sister, Hanna. The Mulders own a dairy farm, they’re actually poor and struggle to make a profit.

Two days before Christmas, Matthies puts in his skates and goes to the other side of the frozen lake that separates their farm from the village. He has an accident, falling through the ice and drowning. What until then had been a less than pleasant existence becomes quite a hell for Jas and Hanna. Life quickly degrades as the parents lose themselves in their grief and neglect the children, who are basically left to fend for themselves in their daily struggle. Hanna dreams of leaving the place for good. Jas thinks her mum is hiding a group of Jews in the basement. Obbe is a sadistic torturer of animals and at night compulsively strikes his forehead against the bedframe. What hope can there be for them?

Ice Skater by Axel Ender

The story is told by Jas, who is extremely observant and descriptive where smells, textures and shapes are concerned. Filth is omnipresent: the manure from the cows, the cheese they make, the dirty undies and pyjamas as Jas continually pees in her sleep. To make matters worse, she starts suffering from constipation, an issue her father attempts to sort out by inserting a piece of soap up her anus. In the meantime, her mother decides it is best not to eat anything at all.

Jas begins her story by telling the reader that she has stopped taking her coat off. After Matthies’ death, her sorrow is immense, for he treated her with a kindness and affection no other male in the family seems capable of. However, she is shocked into fear when told by her parents not to say his name.

But of course, there is the Church on Sundays. In her narrative, Jas repeatedly quotes passages from the Bible. Her parents are insanely devout, to the extent that their religion has somehow been transformed into a punitive code. Everything is seen as sinful, and the children’s numerous sins must be punished with brutality, of course. They probably wonder, in the wake of the loss of their eldest son, how come there is no sign of grace from the Saviour?

Gloomy, grim and dark. Not a happy place. A church in the Netherlands.

But then comes the plague, too, in the form of foot-and-mouth disease. Every single cow and calf will be put down; the Mulders have now lost what little they had. Both parents have seriously lost their marbles, and threats to leave the farm and abandon the family are voiced but never carried out.

This is more than a novel on people’s inability to express their grief. Rijneveld constructs a plausible narrator who is innocent in her brutality yet enchantingly ironic in her explorations of adolescent sexuality and the imaginative load she bears in her desperate attempts to escape sadness, neglect and self-blame. You may read the views of other reviewers who appear to recoil at the scatological episodes involving excrements, sperm, blood or even tools being stuck in inappropriate bodily orifices. Some readers, I daresay, need to grow up a bit and test the world out there. Imagination never bites.

A good book, a great story and a new author from whom we should expect more in the near future. Michele Hutchison’s English translation, The Discomfort of Evening, received the Booker International Prize in 2020.

21 jul 2020

Laurent Binet's The 7th Function of Language: A Review

Laurent Binet. The 7th Function of Language (Londres: Harvill Secker, 2017). 390 pages. Translated from the French by Sam Taylor.
Should I say I was lucky to study and read Roland Barthes at university? I believe so. I remember enjoying his Mythologies and wondering about what other product-signs we should be demythologising and deconstructing, yet at the time, most nights I would go out and I sort of ended up being interested in, well, different things.

Sort of a myth himself now, isn't he? Young Roland Barthes, Photograph by Fragolaleone
Barthes died in an accident in the streets of Paris. He was knocked down by a laundry van in late February 1980, and passed away a month later. I certainly found his work inspirational, and we could well ask ourselves what, were he still alive, he would be making of contemporary signs such as the bitten-off apple of the software and hardware giant or the M-shaped arches of the multinational you-want-fries-with-your-burger? company that has been clogging the arteries of millions of people all over the world for years.

Binet takes the fact of Barthes’ accident and makes it into a fictional murder. But why would a semiotician be murdered? Because he had with him the only copy of a text authored by Russian linguist Roman Jakobson. Allegedly, this text would identify the seventh function of language, which would be a magical performative function giving its possessor the power to make people do things. Something every politician might kill for, of course.

In a parody of detective novels, thrillers and similar, Binet constructs a big metafictional joke. The policeman in charge of the investigation into Barthes’ death, Bayard, starts by interviewing Foucault about semiotics and semiology. He understands fuck-all, obviously, so he tries to read Barthes and others, which angers him even more, and so he will seek the aid of a lecturer on semiotics: enter Simon Herzog, who impresses Bayard by revealing his background and most of his personality traits by simply looking at him and his clothes.

What happens next (and the above is just the beginning of this bizarre, hilarious and crazy fiction) is a long story. The unlikely duo are partnered in the pursuit of the mysterious document in a journey that takes them from Paris to Bologna, where they witness political vendettas, are allowed entrance to a secret Logos Club in which orators and debaters engage in rhetorical duels, with the loser getting a finger chopped off when defeated, and miraculously escape the bombing of the railway station.

They next travel to a big conference at Cornell University, in Ithaca, NY. Their stay is punctuated by various strange episodes, amongst them the death of Jacques Derrida, savagely killed by dogs while a girl named Cordelia was giving him a blowjob.

No, Derrida did not die here. Binet chooses to kill him at Cornell, but only in fiction. Photograph by Laurenvhs.
The final part takes them to Venice. More Logos Club challenges, more chopped fingers (and other body parts, too!) street skirmishes and kidnappings. Outlandish events and conversations are too numerous to recap; characters come and go without rhyme or reason. And after winning his oratorial challenge at the Club, Simon is made to pay a huge price.

With The 7th Function of Language, Binet enjoys himself a lot, and if you are game to take a refreshingly quick dip into the theory of semiotics, linguistics and metafiction, this is a novel that will make you laugh out loud. The list of real people Binet makes irreverent use of is inexhaustible: from Umberto Eco to Julia Kristeva, from Michel Foucault to Noam Chomsky, from Bjorn Borg to Vitas Gerulaitis. Presidents such as Giscard d’Estaing and Mitterrand, prime ministers such as Laurent Fabius, and a noticeably young Afro-American politician named Barack Obama.

There is comedy, there is Hollywood-style action, car chases, sex, hot steamy baths where old men and young gigolos meet. There are also puns, play on words and names, a constant game played between fact and fiction in which Binet deliberately shows his hand by using the first person, a bold interference in the narrative that not always pays dividends.

The volcano crater of Pozzuoli near Naples is where Simon exacts his revenge. What a scenic spot to finish the novel! Photograph by I. Shevtsov.
The 7th Function of Language is a delicious parody, yet to me it felt more like fanciful, delightfully absurd and exhilarating entertainment than a thriller. The plot is far more sophisticated than any bestseller might ever dream of; yet underlying the playful, the profane, and the mocking the novel does offer aplenty there is also a deeply felt homage to the sciences of language and a clever invention from historical materials. And I’d bet my little finger that Barthes would have given Binet his tick of approval.

17 jul 2020

Xavier Bosch's Nosaltres dos: A Review

Xavier Bosch, Nosaltres dos (Barcelona: Columna, 2017). 566 pages.
What to make of the many people we meet throughout our lifetime? Some stay close for years, even decades; others remain close for shorter periods of time, while others simply vanish as quickly as they became part of your inner circle, albeit briefly. Yet as you approach the twilight years, it should be a good idea to look back (not in anger, though) and assess.

But the question remains: is it really that good an idea? Who knows? This is a matter which is probably easier to deal with in fiction than in real life, don’t you think?

‘The two of us’: the title alludes to are Kim and Laura, who meet at university when they have to complete a joint assignment on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. It is the 1980s, but theirs is a friendship that grows through the months and years, and grows stronger, too.

“In the late afternoon sun, the lake was a millpond. A bluish calm mirror reflecting every reddish hue of the day that was hiding behind the mountains. Slowly, the night was shadowing the road to Mieres, the Estunes, the Rocacorba summit or Xicu Cabanyes’ Forest of Erotic Sculptures. Perhaps Kim would have liked to see the gigantic cocks at Can Ginebreda? But it was getting dark, and without any daylight the temperature at the Russian fishing house was coming down severely. Laura noticed she was getting a split lip. A while before Kim had wrapped around his neck, as if not meaning to, the blue scarf Laura had taken off so she could zip her leather jacket. But neither of them was in a hurry. Due to the last bits of light, where the water became darker, they thought they could glimpse drops of mercury.” (p. 57, my translation) Photograph by JosepBC.
Kim is the third son of a Barcelona hotel owner, something of an upper-middle class dynasty, the Rafels. His life has been more or less decided for him: complete a degree, join the management team at the hotel and enjoy the perks of belonging to the wealthy. Laura is from Banyoles, her family is not as well-off as Kim’s, but what she lacks in privilege she makes up for with her efforts, intelligence and perseverance.

The Russian-looking fishing house on Lake Banyoles. Photograph by Enfo.
One way or another, life always hits us with heavy blows. In Kim’s case, he wakes up hungover on the day he was supposed to accompany Alex, his eldest brother, to Ibiza in the family boat. Roger, son number two, takes his place. On the way to the island, the boat rams into a half-submerged shipping container. They both perish.

After graduating, Kim and Laura find their own ways. Laura meets a much older English academic, falls for his charm and chooses the peace he irradiates. She goes to live with him England. Soon she specialises in conference interpreting and builds a reputation. After three years or so, she receives a big bunch of flowers from Eric, a much younger man, the manager of a rock band, who has offered her a full-time position. Not much later, she moves in with him.

During those years, Kim has remained in Barcelona, has married Miriam. He still has his fun, plays tennis with his mates and drives his sports car around. He has stayed in touch with Laura via email or the occasional phone call. When she finds out Eric has AIDS and realises she’s been living through a daily Russian roulette with him and the band, she asks Kim for help. The two friends meet in London. Laura decides to return to Barcelona, but Miriam notices there could be something other than friendship. Eventually, and thanks to some not completely explained intervention from Kim, Laura is offered a job in Australia.

“Lakes give cities some respite. The peace of the Serpentine was being shattered only by the clatter of cutlery and trays, the polite rustle of those who were queuing while waiting for the second course – hot stew, grilled steak or some fish unbeknownst to Kim – and the feeble voice of the tanned cashier. No sooner had the rain stopped than two young men from the cleaning services company, easily identifiable because of their green overalls, started drying up the stone benches and tables. Sun-seeking people, both tourists and locals, came out to drink their coffees by the water. The ducks quacked incessantly, perhaps disoriented by the sudden change in the weather. Kim threw away the umbrella, which had already served its purpose, grabbed the apple pie his sweet-toothed father liked so much and, grabbing his suitcase with his other hand went outside to eat it. To take in the cool November air and wait for Laura. Whatever the problem she might have, he was very much looking forward to seeing her. Whatever it was that was the matter with her, and he was hoping it was nothing too serious, he was kind of anxious to meet her again… He felt someone standing behind him was grabbing him by the shoulder.” (p. 297) The Serpentine at Hyde Park. Photograph by Tristan Surtel. 
The story then jumps back to 2016, where the book starts with the party to celebrate that Kim turns 50. Laura has been invited, too. She flies all the way back for the occasion. Kim and Miriam are already divorced. What will happen when the two friends see each other again, after so many years?

Nosaltres dos mostly entertains. There is nothing more to the story than the personal: Bosch does not contextualise the plot or his characters in terms of socio-political issues. If anything, it is just the hotel business and its ups and downs before and after Barcelona becoming the host city for the Olympic Games in 1992. And that’s about it. The language is informal, the plot has few uncalled-for twists and the gross interference from the Rome-based side of the Rafels family adds some mystery and spice to what is, largely speaking, a romance.

In my view, Bosch relies on adopting Kim’s narrative point of view much too heavily. While there may be some depth to his character, this is not the case with Laura. Her side of the story hardly ever comes across as fully convincing.

While this is a piece of fiction, there is however one factual error that I found quite amusing, given that I have lived in Canberra for over a decade. There has never been a Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Canberra. As a matter of fact, UC no longer  hosts a School of Languages. The Spanish Language Department, for which I was a tutor for one rather forgettable year, was wrecked by its inept managers and other scandalous matters, which are absolutely irrelevant here.

A novel about friendship, love and the passage of time. They say time heals all wounds, and I completely disagree. The proverb is hardly accurate. It is however true that time does not kill off true friendships. Ever.

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