19 feb 2025

Francesc Serés' La casa de foc: A Review

Francesc Serés, La casa de foc (Barcelona: Proa, 2022 [2020]). 587 pages.

A few decades ago, I put the following challenge to someone who at the time was kind of very close: to move to a small village and find out whether they would instantly accept you. She never did, of course. It can never be easy to move into a rural setting and find your place among the people who have lived there for generations. This is the challenge the narrator of La casa de foc faces in a place called El Sallent, which is actually a real hamlet in the middle of La Garrotxa, a Catalan district west of Girona. The man in question is a teacher in charge of the children of immigrants at a high school. He has recently been divorced and comes to El Sallent hoping to find peace and move forward.

Few days after moving into a seemingly scorpion-riddled house, the narrator meets Jordi from Can Sol, water-diviner by trade, who is both respected and feared in the area. The narrator, who teaches Catalan for Beginners at the nearest school, is basically commanded to help steer Jordi’s granddaughter, Mar, towards better academic performance and more self-esteem. There is a third member of the family, Mar’s mother Carmina, whose tragic personal history is slowly revealed.

Welcome to El Sallent, Mau!

In an attempt to make the place his own, Mau (the nickname he is given by the locals, after the name of the mas he has rented) refurbishes and renovates the building. The novel skilfully explores how the relationship between Mau and Jordi, Mau and Mar, and Mau and Carmina, grows in their idiosyncratic ways. The three characters are fully developed, giving the reader a wonderful insight into their fears, their flaws, what makes them anxious and what sends them into despair.

Yet it is the genuine, frank and sometimes brazen conversations Mau has with Jordi that he’s remembering the most; while getting Mau to know the natural and geological marvels of the region, Jordi becomes Mau’s confidante. Some sort of authentic friendship takes place under a cloud of uncertainty: local gossip (or slander?) has it that the fire where Mar’s father died together with another young couple was deliberately lit. Jordi always edges around his responsibility in the matter.

The novel begins with the news of Jordi’s death on 8 March 2014. The narrator quotes the chaplain who is to conduct the funeral: “The dead are like our memories: they are nowhere but everyone needs them so they can live.” (p. 15, my translation) And so begins his remembrance of an enigmatic person who became more than a friend.

The extraordinary beauty of Serés’ novel is how he portrays life in a Catalan village, the assorted instances of quirkiness of its inhabitants, how they help and also interfere with the newcomer’s adaptation to the place and how they push him into a lengthy wave of reflective self-probing throughout the pages.

There are many worthy passages in this book, some of them hiding genuine meditations on the art of storytelling: “Rather than shadow-play, this is about knowing how far light can go, this light that shines upon a primary layer of the world and of things, an extremely fine layer it cannot pierce through. A few microns below, beneath the surface, darkness is absolute. We find it hard to accept because it is almost incomprehensible, that other than what we are able to see when there is light, the rest of matter inhabits the darkness. Save for the little history we know how to explain, the remainder of time and stories forever sleeps in total obscurity.” (p. 245, my translation)

Apart from the Can Sol family and Mau, there are in La casa del foc many secondary characters who provide a rich background social tapestry and the numerous social issues that affect this rural area of Catalonia: marihuana crops and dealing, migration, gentrification, unemployment, to name but a few. There is also the mystery of water-divining and how such a gift or skill is transmitted between generations. Mau cannot understand how Mar, quite late on a gloomy evening, finds a little boy who has become lost in the woods near the village, while he clumsily stumbles once and again on the hillsides: “What do we do with those things we cannot explain? With those realities we need to touch in order to believe them, I mean. I know not how to explain it without feeling I will be harshly judged by the self who knows of scientific certainties and who looks askance at the other self who states he put his finger in the wound.” (p. 332, my translation)

An excellent book that has not been translated into English yet. Seres’ highly entertaining Contes russos was soon translated (as Russian Tales by Anastasia Maximova and Peter Bush in 2013). Let’s hope La casa del foc can also reach the English-language market.

11 feb 2025

Reseña: Final Cut, de Charles Burns

Charles Burns, Final Cut (Londres: Jonathan Cape, 2024). 224 páginas.

Si naciste en la década de los 60 o los 70, seguro que recordarás alguna de las películas de ciencia ficción anteriores a aquella época, que contaban con unos muy rudimentarios efectos especiales que posiblemente hoy en día harán reír a esos críticos ‘virtuales’ que se esconden tras la IA. Burns sitúa esta historia en esa época: dos amigos de la secundaria, Brian y Jimmy, son aficionados al cine y, de hecho, han hecho sus pinitos con la cámara Super 8 (¡Ay, aquellos tiempos!) rodando sus propios films a modo de homenaje muy personal a un género que adoran.

Están por todas partes, pueden ser tus vecinos... Y sus intenciones no son nada buenas.

Mientras que Jimmy es un presuntuoso y bullicioso fanfarrón, Brian es un chico silencioso y en apariencia reservado. Brian quiere hacer otra película, llamada Final Cut, y se toma el proyecto con absoluta seriedad. En una velada cinematográfica en su casa a la que ha invitado a algunos amigos conoce a Laurie, atractiva pelirroja de la que se enamora en el instante en que ella quiere ver un autorretrato que Brian está haciendo de sí mismo en la cocina, observando el reflejo de su imagen en la tostadora eléctrica.

La vida de Brian...

No todo es perfecto en la vida de Brian: vive con una madre alcohólica y no goza de un estado idóneo de salud mental. Tras conocerla, Brian se empeña en que Laurie sea la estrella de la película, que va a ser un homenaje a Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956). El lugar escogido para rodar está en las montañas, en una cabaña cerca del lago. El lugar es perfecto para paisajes extraterrestres y para la idea de película que Brian quiere hacer: «The movie is about my head… It’s about all the fucked-up shit going on inside my head.» [La película trata sobre mi cabeza... Va de toda la jodida mierda que llevo en la cabeza.]

En España, la película se estrenó como La invasión de los ladrones de cuerpos.

La narración se sirve de una construcción lineal interrumpida por las ensoñaciones y la imaginación de Brian. A veces, la línea que separa la historia real se difumina y entra en los sueños de Brian, y se repiten motivos y escenas. La storyboard que Burns construye destaca por su colorido y figuras, pero abundan también las sombras y la atención al detalle y los gestos de los personajes. Con ello consigue generar una atmósfera de temor y sospecha.

En tus sueños, Brian.

En resumen, la historia oscila entre la filmación y la obsesión de Brian por Laurie, esto es, el deseo sexual. Final Cut es un profundo homenaje al cine y a la historia del género de la ciencia ficción.

A Happy Ending for the Final Cut?

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