2 nov 2016

Josep Bertomeu Moll's Capvespre: A Review

Josep Bertomeu Moll, Capvespre (Gandia: Lletra Impresa, 2016). 224 pages.

I was a rather naïve 11-year-old boy when Fascist dictator Franco died, yet I do have a few memories of the difficult years before his death, and particularly the profound changes that occurred in the years that followed. It could very well be argued that more than 40 years later, those political changes have turned out to be rather cosmetic in their nature. Spain has basically retained the political status quo resulting from the military coup in 1936, the ensuing Civil War and forty years of a dictatorial regime. It is a country where conservative elites and economic oligarchies exercise their unfettered power, where corruption unashamedly spreads to the top echelons of government. Unsurprisingly, though, a clear majority of voters continue to elect politicians whose decency is, to say the least, questionable. Go figure.

In those years, my home town, Valencia, was not the markedly touristic destination it seems to be today. Valencian life in the 1970s was rather different from the easy-going, festive city it is in 2016. Then there was fear in the streets, and news of the political repression elsewhere in the Spanish State would have been very discreetly commented on by people in the streets. One of my first memories associated with anything remotely political is of my paternal grandmother telling me not to speak our local language instead of Spanish when in public. I must have been about 5 or 6 years old.

This is the Valencia Capvespre (The Evening) is set in. Written in 1977, the author kept it hidden in a drawer for decades until Lletra Impresa, an enthusiastic publisher from Gandia, rescued the manuscript and took a gamble by printing it as their first volume in their fresh fiction collection. Unless there are more uncovered manuscripts of his, this might unfortunately turn out to be Bertomeu’s only published book, since he unexpectedly passed away just a couple of weeks ago.

A fragmentary narrative, Capvespre follows the lives of Lluís and Pilar, the two main characters, whose complicated, twisted, on-and-off relationship makes up the main plot of the novel. They are part of a wider circle of friends, university students who fight the regime hoping to achieve freedom, hoping to reach for their future, for their dreams at a time when Francoist repression had intensified its brutal force. Moreover, Bertomeu employs different narrative points of view, providing noteworthy contrasts between the various characters about the same events.

The terrible mishaps associated with mandatory military service, the patently injurious conditions for young females within what was a creepily Catholic society, the lively nights of jazz music and cheap booze in well-known bars of the different barrios of Valencia, the ground-breaking literature that was landing at Spanish bookshops in those years (Neruda, César Vallejo, Cortázar, Arguedas, García Márquez, Cabrera Infante, among others), the first sexual experiences of very young men and women, the extremely risky business of joining the then illegal Communist Party … these are some of the situations and circumstances narrated by Lluís, or explained through letters by Pilar, Jordi, Sergi. Bertomeu succeeds in contriving a 1977 narrative that feels way before his time, and is at times more ‘contemporary’ than some novels written in recent years, both in its circular structure and its utterly compelling style.

Non-conformism was an essential part of the philosophy of the young people at the time. They would not abide by a State that repressed and coerced them. Gathering in the streets and plazas of Valencia (which Bertomeu cleverly identifies by using the Francoist names they had until the late 1970s) to distribute radical pamphlets or marching in protest, the students regularly had to run away from riot police, or occasionally clashed with Fascist gangs at the Faculty.

For anyone arriving in Valencia by train, Plaza del Caudillo (wash your mouth, boy!) was an unavoidable passageway towards the bars in the older parts of the city. Today it is known as Plaça de l"Ajuntament.
In Capvespre, some of Lluís’s friends are arrested by Franco’s Secret Police and sent to jail, where they languish for months or even years, found guilty in trials run by ludicrous judges. Their crime? Wishing freedom for their peers and themselves.

Capvespre is a welcome and necessary reminder of the struggle for dignity a whole generation of Valencians engaged in. It should also help us to focus on the fact that 40 years later, younger generations of Valencians, let alone Spaniards, time and again see how their hopes and their dreams are smashed by inept governments that continue to underpin a decrepit, dishonest, fraudulent political system.

Apart from a few well-accomplished historical recreations such as Silvestre Vilaplana’s L’estany de foc, the city of Valencia had never really been the protagonist of a book. It is a pleasant surprise to see how the city comes alive in Bertomeu’s words, in his sharp-eyed descriptions. How unfortunate it is that Bertomeu is no longer alive to write a sequel to Capvespre.

27 oct 2016

Reseña: Cock & Bull, de Will Self

Will Self, Cock &; Bull (Nueva York: Grove Press, 1992). 310 páginas.

Mi viejo Collins define cock-and-bull story como ‘an obviously improbable story, esp. a boastful one or one used as an excuse’, esto es, una historia evidentemente imposible, en especial una cuyo narrador sea jactancioso o la utilice como excusa. Google, el sabelotodo del siglo XXI, nos dice que el origen de la expresión bien pudiera remontarse a los rumores y cotilleos que intercambiaban entre sí los viajeros que paraban en dos tabernas cercanas de la localidad inglesa de Stony Stratford, una llamada The Cock y la otra conocida como The Bull. Mas yo sospecho que ésta no deja de ser otra cock-and-bull story más.

Este atípico libro de Will Self se compone en realidad de dos nouvelles, dos relatos fantásticos en los que lo absurdo cobra visos de verosimilitud (ganándose así la probable credulidad del lector) gracias a su posicionamiento dentro de marcos cotidianos y prosaicos. La intención es claramente satírica, pero los resultados no son siempre tan efectivos como uno esperaría.

En el primero, un joven a bordo de un tren rumbo a Londres se ve apabullado por un extraño académico de Oxford, que decide contarle una historia mientras el tren avanza a trompicones por la campiña inglesa. Una de las circunstancias por las que no termina de funcionar Cock es que este nivel supranarrativo no se hace evidente hasta ya entrado el segundo capítulo.

La historia gira en torno a Carol. Ella es la esposa de Dan, un alcohólico diseñador que pasa noche tras noche con sus amiguetes en el pub. Harta de su falta de atención, decide comenzar a investigar su propio cuerpo. De repente un día descubre que le ha salido un pene (el Cock del título). A medida que el nuevo apéndice sexual comienza a cobrar protagonismo en la vida de Carol, ésta se vuelva más agresiva y violenta y urde su pequeña venganza, con un desenlace algo previsible. Y, por cierto, el académico del tren no es quien decía ser, según nos confiesa al final el narrador de la historia.

La segunda nouvelle, Bull, me resultó mucho más entretenida. Un joven reportero deportivo y fornido jugador de rugby, John Bull – no es gratuito: el nombre ‘John Bull’ es la representación estándar del varón británico – se tiene que dedicar a cubrir las reseñas de espectáculos de cabaret y similares. En uno de ellos, el cómico de turno (cuyo repertorio se limita a chistes obscenos y vulgares sobre los órganos sexuales femeninos) le hostiga y parece lanzarle una maldición cuando Bull abandona el espectáculo mucho antes de su conclusión.

A la mañana siguiente, un resacoso Bull descubre que le ha salido una llaga, algo que no tiene claro si es una herida o una quemadura, en la parte posterior de la rodilla. Sin perder tiempo alguno, concierta cita con un médico del centro de salud local.

Al doctor Alan Margoulies todo el mundo lo tiene por un santo. Pero no lo es, ni por asomo. Al descubrir que lo que Bull tiene en la rodilla es una vagina, el médico se lo calla, y esa misma noche cancela una visita a domicilio con otro paciente para poder visitar a Bull en su propia casa. Margoulies es un mujeriego, y queda fascinado por el extraño fenómeno de la pierna de Bull. Y mucho más. Entre ellos surgirá algo parecido a un idilio.

Así como Cock contiene muchas interrupciones en la narración, no siempre justificadas, ni tampoco necesariamente bienvenidas por el lector, Bull sí es un relato con una construcción sobria, bien manejado por Self. Tanto en una como en otra los personajes principales (Carol, Dan y Dave 2 en Cock, John Bull, Margoulies y Juniper en Bull) están bien dibujados y se prestan a la sátira más incisiva.

Lo que no me queda tan claro es la intención de Self con la creación de estas dos historias de transmutación sexual. Si buscaba algo más que la pulla y la rechifla, se quedó corto. Cock & Bull no es, en cualquier caso, un libro memorable.

Publicado en español por Anagrama en 2006, bajo el título Patrañas: habo, higo, en traducción a cargo de Iris Menéndez.

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