Mercè Climent, from Lletra Impresa Publishers, introduces their latest release, Ouyang Yu's Diary of a Naked Official, translated into Catalan as Diari íntim d'un editor.
Naturally, the video presentation is in Catalan.
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Gentile Bellini, Retrato de Mehmet II |
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Autorretrato de Giovanni Bellini |
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Giorgione, Retrato de Laura |
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La tempesta de Giorgione supuso una ruptura con la convención pictórica de la época |
“Ningú com Proust per cloure un camí de record i de temps perdut. No dubte quin fragment tancarà el quadern, el sé, el visc, el puc recitar paraula per paraula, lletra per lletra, des de fa molts anys. Tot i això, el copie conscienciosament, comparant síl·laba a síl·laba amb l’original del llibre. «La vertadera vida, la vida finalment descoberta i dilucidada, l’única vida, per tant, realment viscuda és la literatura». Repasse la sentència i hi trobe la saviesa, la confirmació de la raó que sempre m’ha mogut i que dóna sentit a tantes hores acompanyat de pàgines. L’única manera de retrobar el temps és fer-ho amb els llibres, cercant-lo entre les giragonses de l’escriptura.”
“No one like Proust to put an end to a trail of memories and lost time. I have no doubt as to which excerpt will wrap up my notebook, I know it, I live it, I have been able to recite word for word, letter for letter, for many years. Even so, I copy it conscientiously, comparing it syllable after syllable with the original in the book: "La vraie vie, la vie enfin decouverte et eclaircie, la seule par consequent pleinement vecue, c'est la litterature" [True life, life at last discovered and illuminated, the only life therefore really lived, that life is literature.] I go over the words and realise their wisdom, confirming the rationale that has always moved me and gives sense to so many hours in the company of pages. The only way to finding the past once again is through books, seeking it in the twists of the writing.”
I was born in a land of sunshine by a beautiful sea,
delightful amongst mountains of rugged solitude,
of shining joyful greens, laden with cherries.
May Allah ever defend Laguar, my valley!
The bones of my people rest there, white ash
blended in crags for evermore.
Petracos, oh fields of tears, you still carry in your oleander blooms
the gleaming gushes of so much spilled blood;
with fresh and crimson sap you nourish in your core
dormant farm works that will never die.
Laguar, a word of sweetness, pressed upon our lips,
like a living torch raised against the sea,
glowing in the memory of those who found their death
waiting for a dreamlike horse, a green horse, that never came.
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Un gràfic del diari Avui |
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Sello de la República (Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre) |
The New Colossus
(Emma Lazarus, 1849–1887)
Not like the brazen giant of Greek
With conquering limbs astride from
land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates
shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild
eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin
cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your
storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your
tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe
The wretched refuse of your teeming
Send these, the homeless,
tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden
El nou Colós
No com aquell
gegant de llautó de grega fama,
que amb cames
victorioses creuava estats;
ací quedarà,
a les portes de ponent, vora la mar,
poderosa dona
amb una torxa, la flama
de la qual és
un llamp empresonat; li diuen
Mare dels
Exiliats. Des de la seua mà, far de llum,
rutila la
seva benvinguda per a tots; els seus ulls
sotgen la
badia que dues ciutats circumden.
‘Oh, terra
antiga, queda't la teua èpica, el teu fast!’
ens diu amb
el seu silenci. ‘Doneu-me les vostres masses
cansades, els
pobres, gents arraulides que volen llibertat,
desgraciades a les vostres platges,
envieu-me els
que, sense llar, la tempesta ha garfullat:
vora aquesta
porta daurada la meua llum he alçat!’